Photo of the day From the Stripes archives
13, 2006
Red Grandy ©Stars and Stripes
Germany, September
24, 1953: Jim and Ann Penn, children of Maj. and
Mrs. Frank A. Penn of Bad Kreuznach, look over some of the first 3-D comic
books to arrive in Europe. This photo itself appeared in 3-D on the front of
Stripes' feature section; special glasses were included with that day's paper
to view it and other 3-D photos. Readers were instructed to "assemble the
glasses so that the red filter covers the left eye. The paper should be held at
arm's length in a bright light. It may take several seconds for you to get the
effect, and the illusion will improve the longer you look. If you have any
difficulty fusing the superimposed images, try moving the paper toward you and
away from you until the two images become one, then return slowly to the normal
viewing distance." For an explanation of why 3-D has only caught on sporadically
over the years, re-read the instructions above.